Friday 18 November 2011

Words to Grow By…

This blog post is dedicated to the “yellowshoegirl” and the special ladies that encouraged me to take the plunge and move to the other side of the world so that they could live vicariously through me while I pursue new experiences and live a new life. 

Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to bring a lot of knick-knacks or memorabilia with me to create that oh-so-cozy feeling of home but I did manage bring a few photos of some of my inspirational ladies as a visual reminder for me to keep pushing forward and to always be true to myself. My best friend has a creative spark that has caused her to become obsessed do-it-yourself and craft blogs.  The other day, I decided to purchase some awesome decorational stickers to brighten up my apartment.  That same day, the yellowshoegirl had posted a link that outlines how to create wall art similar to that of artist, Kathryn Anderson, host of with the thought of setting it up in her own home.  

Taken from: 
Due to our freaky psychic connection, I had already decided to set up some tree art in my place. If waking up on the right side of the my adorable bed isn’t enough, I now have my very own tree of inspiration to remind me of all the things that my friends and family back home would say to me on a daily basis.  So now, there is a little piece of all of you with me in Korea…


  1. LOVE IT!!! You have to add a new bubble to your tree if you have anymore room. It needs to say "You are AMAZING. Don't forget it". Mostly because I can't say it to you every day anymore and I miss your beautiful face. I will definitely try to sit down and write you an e-mail soon. You can expect a whopper when school finally lets out. Love from Canada <3
