Wednesday 14 December 2011

Koalas and Pandas and Me, Oh My!

Koala bears, me, and panda bears

We just did a zoo unit in class and my students are a creative little bunch.  They always fill my board with drawings about whatever we learn that day.  They were confused about what a koala bear was until one of my "genius" students decided to pull a pictionary moment to provide some more clarity.  We also watched youtube videos of my favourite animal, the panda bear, in all of its cuteness!  This class is so much fun and super cute.  They all clamour for the marker and beg me to play "teacher for a minute" where I give them control over the class for one minute and I act like a student.  I was bundled up that day with sweaters, leggings, and a you think it's a good likeness of me?

1 comment:

  1. Haha! So adorable. I think you look cute in your bundled sweater and scarf
