Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Teacher, What's Your Name???

My students caught me one day and they realized that I didn't know all of their names...fair enough.  But tell me, in the land of Kim's, Lee's, and Cho's, how is one supposed to remember every student's Korean name?  At least I try to!  Most foreign teachers just give them English names and go from there.  I've done pretty well and I even shock some of the adult students when they spell it out for me Hangul-style and I'm able to pronounce it.  But seriously, when you have a Chong Man, Choong Man, and Ji Man it's kind of difficult to keep them straight.  So I spent a little time going over the registry and memorizing their names.  If only they could remember mine...

After 3 months, I asked my students what my name was and none of them could remember so we played a little game of hang man.  I guess it took awhile for them to figure out...


  1. hahaha I LOVED reading this! I went to school to be a teacher so I totally get this :) too funny!

  2. oh my goodness! It must get so confusing when names sound so similar! It's funny that it seems it works both ways to some extent with them finding english names tricky too! hehe Truly the marks of a creative-thinking teacher to make a fun game out of such a situation :)

  3. Thanks so much ladies for your comments! Actually, I call most of my students by their Korean names so when they tell me that my name is hard to remember then I just point out that I have a Jong Man, Chong Man (sound almost the same), and Chong Mon all in one class. Not to mention Sue Yeun, Sue Yeung, and Seung Yeun...
