My students caught me one day and they realized that I didn't know all of their names...fair enough. But tell me, in the land of Kim's, Lee's, and Cho's, how is one supposed to remember every student's Korean name? At least I try to! Most foreign teachers just give them English names and go from there. I've done pretty well and I even shock some of the adult students when they spell it out for me Hangul-style and I'm able to pronounce it. But seriously, when you have a Chong Man, Choong Man, and Ji Man it's kind of difficult to keep them straight. So I spent a little time going over the registry and memorizing their names. If only they could remember mine...
After 3 months, I asked my students what my name was and none of them could remember so we played a little game of hang man. I guess it took awhile for them to figure out...